Best apps for monitoring data on Iphone Ipad

Top 5 Best Apps for Monitoring Data on iPhone and iPad 2024

No matter how helpful and exciting the internet is, it ends the moment you exhaust your data. If you subscribed to the unlimited plan, you may have nothing much to worry about aside from the countdown to its expiry date.

Users, over the years, have always complained about the data capped plans. Some claimed they never get the value when browsing while others could not explain how they manage to use the data within a short time. Smartphone operating systems are getting more sophisticated and flexible, and the introduction of data-hungry apps has done some harm, but the benefits override such anyway.

The clear solution is to download an app that is capable of monitoring mobile data usage on your ios device. This way, you will be able to come up with a strategy that could help you use your limited data plan for a longer period. IOS App Store is home to many apps to track your cellular data usage, and you should find one for your iPhone or Ipad.

If you are out of ideas, you should check out below for the Top 5 Apps for Monitoring Mobile Data Usage. This should help you get more from your data, also avoid exceeding limits and then incurring additional charges.

1. My Data Manager With VPN Security

How you can use your data capped plan for long can be influenced by the My Data Manager App. This is one of the most downloaded apps that help you control your data usage on mobile and wifi and provides you with online privacy protection simultaneously.

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The app makes use of Virtual Private Network Security to sieve and eliminates any security threats that you might encounter while on the internet. It also automatically encrypts data shared between networks.

Users will be able to set a limit and when they reach the limit while browsing, a notification will pop up on their screen. If you have friends, or family linked to your data plan, you will also be able to set up the app to monitor usage from all listed members. Other benefits you will come across are – adding an extra layer of security, going through the list of apps to know the apps consuming your data, etc.

App Store: Download My Data Manager For iPhone and Ipad.

2. DataMan – Data Usage Widget

Dataman provides you the platform to monitor how each of the apps uses your data on mobile and wifi. This can be very helpful for people who feel they have not been getting enough from their data subscription. Although much of these issues are always from the users’ phones, therefore it is paramount to investigate the cause.

The app can also be used to set data limits, which ensures you get an alert once you have reached the limit. Using this method, you can protect yourself from incurring further expenses. Users will also be able to use Siri to quickly get current data usage through voice instead of swiping their fingers on the app.

The free plan should be more than enough for most people, you could also push to DataMan Pro and enjoy more functionalities such as daily access usage, manage multiple plans, map usage location, etc.

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App Store: Download DataMan for iPhone/Ipad.

3. Traffic Monitor with Widget

Traffic Monitor with Widget is not just a data monitoring app, but also comes with great features you are going to adore. The app can help you check how fast your 3G, LTE, and Wifi connections are, and also monitor your network coverage. This is a 3 in 1 app and you only need this one instead of downloading more apps that take a large slab of your phone storage.

The speed provides you with the data comprising the latency and speed of the networks. This way, you will be able to determine if your network runs faster or slower than another. The coverage can also be used to investigate why your internet is slow and you will also be able to get data on other networks from around the world.

For monitoring how you use your data, you will get adequate information about each app and also be able to set details about your current plan. For instance, if you subscribed to a 1Gb data plan, you could provide the starting date of your billing period for even better reporting.

The app has been running for free for some time now and does not have any ads. You can browse with peace of mind knowing that advertisement is not contributing to high data usage.

App Store: Download Traffic Monitor with Widget For iPhone

4. Advanced Data Usage Tracker – smartapp

Advanced Data Usage Tracker does what it says it does by letting you have the necessary information, thereby giving you a deeper insight to manage your internet data. It helps you see your data usage on the 2 strong and most-used networks, 3G and 4G, and also your wifi connection.

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The app is one of the most endowed Monitoring data apps and has some great features you will love, such as Forecasting, Wifi Tracking, International Data Roaming tracking, sharing your data usage with friends and families, Trend Analysis, and many more.

It can also be used to check the current speed of your Internet connection, the amount of data that passes when you upload and also download. This information could be helpful when you are trying to compare different internet service providers.

App Store: Download Advanced Data Usage Tracker For iPhone and Ipad.

5. Databit: Data usage manager

Databit is a paid app that helps you monitor how your phone system and apps make use of your data. Being on a limited data plan actually sucks and the best way to manage your data is to know which of the apps is exhausting your data and then find solutions for it. The solutions could be to freeze the data-hungry apps, remove or use them sparingly.

Databit can be used on all service providers including T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, and Vodafone. It is also one of the few data apps that track 2g network as well as 3g, 4g, and LTE.

On the app, you will be able to set the data amount on your data plan for better clarity. This gives the app the required information to deliver an accurate report. For a small price, you can have this app running on your IOS Device, be it iPhone or Ipad.

App Store: Download Databit for IOS Device.

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