pgi gbobal trade login

PGI global trade login, investment packages, and registration |

PGI global trade login: Opportunities have never been hard to come by, and this is why we are introducing Praetorian Group International, otherwise known as PGI Global.

The company, for a long time, has provided life-changing platforms for people of any field or status. The platforms as said are not limited to just a few opportunities, you will find life-changing opportunities that revolve around cryptocurrency, blockchain education, health and wellness products, Debit cards, and more.

In short, it is worth noting that PGI global is a Multi-level marketing company whose business strategy lies in finding people to sell its products and services as common with any MLM company. Once you are in, you stand a chance to earn up to 3% every day and could even extend the income towards 200% in less than 6 months depending on how smart you are looking to work.

Therefore, whether you are fully engaged or unemployed, this is a rare chance to experience financial freedom and start building up wealth and we are here to let you know all you should know about PGI Global, how to apply, login, bonuses, and others.

If you are up to change or improve your financial situation, this is an article you want to follow all the way.

Who are they – PGI Global?

Praetorian Group International (PGI) is like most other MLM companies you are familiar with, they make use of representatives to sell their products and services while adopting a pyramid-shaped commission system. While there are many sources available, not every source demands your full attention.

You can partner with PGI, take a sip of drink or sleep while your money works for you. Meanwhile, if you can do much more than that, especially if you are looking to make good use of the many opportunities tailored towards you, you will find out that there are lots you could invest your money and time on to gain more passive income.

However, PGI Global does not offer retail products and services, which means regular customers will not be able to purchase directly from the company except through you. This is to ensure that Affiliate Marketers like you can maximize their opportunities better.

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By joining the affiliate marketing programs offered by the company, you can make money from Return from investment (ROI) and also earn commission on referrals as well. If you do not know how to get started after joining the program, PGI GLOBAL does provide training and mentorship to all its partners.

How does PGI Global work?

This section provides you with detailed information about how PGI Global works, and how you can make money from the scheme. First, PGI has two major ways where you can make money, which are through ROI and referral commission.

Earnings from Return on investment (ROI)

With the ROI scheme, you can let your money work for you while you can go on concentrating on other things that matter. This type of opportunity can be utilized by people who have other things they are doing or are fully engaged with another company or business.

The ROI scheme allows you to have all the time you need without thinking about what you need to do to ensure your investment keeps going. The experts handle it on your behalf and it is even safe that way considering that most people do not have the needed knowledge to pull through.

As an investor in this type of scheme, you can be paid 0.5 to 3% daily everyday. As time goes on, it could also grow to earn you 200% and this normally gets such growth within six months of operation.

To get started and start earning commission on ROI, you will need to invest at least $100.

Commission on referrals

Another way open to you to make money on PGI Global is by referring people to purchase from Praetorian Group International (PGI). As an affiliate marketer, you could refer people and in return, you can get a commission from them and also get a downline team to improve your earnings.

This does not stop the various compensation you can get from PGI Global for putting in the work. If you are not sure how to start, bitcoin trading has proven to be a very good one since most people have started trusting in the project, which now makes it easier for you to convince prospective recruits.

Who owns PGI Global?

On the website, you are not going to find the name of the CEO or founders, but it took us a little effort to unveil them. This is very important if you need to throw your money into the investment.

After making a very thorough one, we were able to confirm the faces behind PGI Global. The owners of PGI Global are Mark Davis and Ramil Ventura Palafox. However, we are not able to determine who holds the largest stake in the business between them except for their previous endeavors.

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It is worth noting that there is no clear ground on whether this scheme is legit considering that they were behind Al Trade, an investment scheme that turned out to be a scam.

Although PGI Global has been running for years without any issue so far, one can not be too careful and know that most brokers and handlers now hide under the guise that the internet provides to defraud unsuspecting individuals and businesses. Again, this is not saying it is a scam, but maybe starring with a small amount is better.

PGI compensation plan

Before you log into PGI Global to start trading, you should at least know the kind of products and services offered. There have been many interests as regards the opportunities available to investors. Among them are health products, Blockchain Technology, Cryptos trading, Sales of bitcoin ATMs, etc.

For most of the investment, you only need to invest about 100$ to get in while the maximum amount is said to be capped at $500,000. Do note that there are additional fees of $19 for the annual software fee and $1 for the transaction fee.

Below are the PGI compensation plans

  • Silver – invest $100 to $500
  • Gold – invest $1000 to $10,000
  • Platinum – invest $20,000 to $100,000
  • Titanium – invest $500,000

Do note your commission is determined by how much money you invested. The higher the invested amount, the better your earnings. You are also charged a withdrawal fee of about 8% on PGI Global every time you want to cash out.

Is PGI Global a scam?

If we are to go by their old establishment called Al TRADE, this is enough justification to call it a scam. A lot of customers have complained and indicated their grievances on review sites. A user complained about Al Trade, which the owners happened to be in charge of, that they failed to give them their money back after investing.

With PGI global, we are still waiting for the first confirmed cases to confirm that the CEOs are bent on going the same way they did with Al trade. Therefore, there are not enough to make a big claim that PGI Global is a scam.

How to join PGI and start making money?

It is tempting to think you can sign up easily on the website. If you attempt to click ‘Register’ on the homepage, you will be taken to the page with a big message, “You cannot sign-up under the corporate account. Please get a referral link from the person who told you about Praetorian Group International”

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It is a welcome gesture by PGI Global, as they are keeping to the terms of the partnership.

1. To join PGI, you will need to register through the link from the person who chatted with you about the program.

2. Select your preferred PGI package. There are silver, gold, platinum, and titanium packages to select from. The most affordable one is silver while the most expensive one is titanium and costs $500,020.

3. Enter the amount you wish to purchase from PGI Global Network.

4. Now that you are in, you can also share your referral link with other interested parties. The bigger your downline team, the better for your earnings.

PGI Investment packages for investors according to ranks

There are about 10 ranks with each of them having its specific rewards for members. They are ranked from No.1 to 10, therefore you might see PG1, PG2, and up to PG10.

The lowest ranking is the PG10 while the highest rank is PG1. Depending on how ranked you are, you can get awesome rewards.

For clarity, below is the list of ranks and their rewards:

  • PG1 – House, and car
  • PG2 – Lamborghini
  • PG3 – Tesla S
  • PG4 – Mercedes
  • PG5 – Rolex
  • PG6 – Honda Civic
  • PG7 – Cruise
  • PG8 – Macbook
  • PG9 – Smartphone
  • PG10 – Montblanc Pen

PGI Global Meet |

PGI Global Meet Up is an avenue where PGI members meet to discuss, learn and know more about the opportunities they stand to gain. The meeting will also reveal ways by which you can utilize every weapon in your arsenal to maximize your earnings. It could also be an opportunity for prospective members to know more about PGI Global and how they handle their operations.

To be able to be part of the event, you must have registered online so that your seat can be confirmed which will also help the team manage the numbers well.

To register for PGI Global Meet, simply visit Enter your first name, last name, and your email address.

PGI global trade login – How to sign in

If you have already become a full member of PGI global, then the next thing on your mind when you start accumulating some points is how to monitor your progress.

On the website, you can login to monitor and manage your account as an investor or partner.

And if it happens, you no longer remember your login details, you can query the site by ‘Forgot Password’

The onlines screen instruction is what you should follow to retrieve your details from PGI global trade. After, you can now login with the new password

One Response

  1. Afolasade November 12, 2021

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