Nigerian phone numbers prefixes

All Nigerian phone numbers prefixes: Airtel, Glo, 9mobile & MTN Numbers Prefixes Latest 2024

I admit I sometimes have a problem with identifying telephone numbers and their prefixes. Gone are the days when you know 0803 is for MTN, 0802 for Airtel, 0805 for Glo and 0809 for 9mobile.

It is now fully occupied to the extent that there is now a need to create other numbers’ prefixes. As long as you are on a tariff plan that allows calls to any networks at the same call rate, we do not see this as an issue. The issue is when call bonuses are halved and we are only allowed to use part of it for an onnet calls.

For instance, I am on 9mobile morecliq tariff plan and I always get calls bonus whenever I recharge. The call bonus is up to 350%, and halved for both onnet and offnet calls. To enjoy the onnet calls bonus, I will need to look out for other 9mobile numbers prefixes in order to avoid using main balance for calls.

These are some of the challenges that come with using Nigerian GSM network. In order to know which is really a MTN number prefix, Glo number prefix, 9mobile number prefix and 9mobile number prefix, I have compiled all lists. We will also extend it by providing you with new operators that are currently making waves, they include Ntel number prefix and Smile number prefix.

With this article, you will now know what 9mobile numbers begin with, what Airtel numbers begin with, what Glo numbers begin with and what MTN numbers begin with.

All telephone numbers prefixes in Nigeria

MTN numbers begin with

  1. 0803******* MTN
  2. 0806******* MTN
  3. 0703******* MTN
  4. 0706******* MTN
  5. 0903******* MTN
  6. 0906******* MTN
  7. 0816******* MTN
  8. 0814******* MTN
  9. 0810******* MTN
  10. 0813******* MTN
  11. 0814******* MTN
  12. 0704******* MTN
  13. 07025****** MTN
  14. 07026****** MTN
  15. 0913****** MTN
Related:  How to check NIN number on MTN phone number

Airtel numbers begin with

  1. 0802******* Airtel
  2. 0808******* Airtel
  3. 0701******* Airtel
  4. 0708******* Airtel
  5. 0901******* Airtel
  6. 0907******* Airtel
  7. 0812******* Airtel
  8. 0902******* Airtel

9mobile numbers begin with

  1. 0809******* 9mobile
  2. 0909******* 9mobile
  3. 0817******* 9mobile
  4. 0818******* 9mobile
  5. 0908******* 9mobile

Glo numbers begin with

  1. 0805******* Glo
  2. 0905******* Glo
  3. 0811******* Glo
  4. 0815******* Glo
  5. 0705******* Glo
  6. 0807******* Glo
  7. 0915******* Glo

Ntel numbers begin with

  1. 0804******* Ntel

Smile numbers begin with

  1. 0702******* Smile

Zoom mobile numbers begin with

  1. 0707******* Zoom mobile


That is a complete list of all networks numbers and their prefixes in Nigeria. If you need further help, you can get in touch with their customer care agent.

MTN customer care agent
Airtel customer care agent
9mobile customer care agent
Glo customer care agent

We will continue to add other prefixes as time goes on. Currently, MTN has the most subscribers and we can’t see that changing soon. They have really done a good job in providing great tariff plans and data plans to enable customers stay on the network.

With more people coming into the fold, it will not be a surprise to see another prefix added. Smile voice plan is also another great plan, you can make calls at a very low call rate. I would have gone for it if I do not need a Volte phone to use it.

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