How To Save Battery On Your iPhone

8 Ways To Save Battery On Your iPhone (The Best Maximisation Tips)

Fast battery drainage on your iPhone device can be caused by heavy usage or damage to your phone system.
The best maximization ways to save battery on your iPhone are as follows:

IPhones are a top choice because of their powerful nature, and the features integrated into the smartphone. It does stand out amongst other mobile phones designed by other phone companies but, they’re easily mocked for having a weak battery life.

It’s often disheartening to know that a less expensive phone has more battery lifespans when compared with your unique phone, that is why this publication will be looking at several methods which iPhone users can utilize to save their battery life for usage maximization. Keep reading to learn how to manage, and maintain your iPhone battery life for a soothing mobile experience.

8 Ways To Save Battery On Your iPhone (The Best Maximisation Tips)

Reduce Your Screen Brightness

Screen brightness constitutes one of the fastest ways of draining your battery life, and it’s often best to keep it at a moderate level or reduce it to the lowest minimum. This can be achieved by accessing your phone settings or the control center to reduce your phone brightness level.

Dimming your phone brightness may pose an inconvenience for you if you are outdoors, people tend to have trouble navigating their phone when their screen brightness is dimmed. To prevent irritation or frustration while straining your eyes, you are advised to only dim your phone battery life when indoors, and increase it when going outdoors.

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Activate Auto Brightness

Some users find it stressful to modify their screen brightness when needed, which is why you can try out the alternative method of reducing your screen brightness when needed. his can be achieved by turning on auto brightness- a smart feature that detects the atmosphere in your environment and automatically produces the best suitable screen lighting.

You no longer have to change your screen brightness to save battery life while going outdoors and this method has helped iPhone users from feeling irritated while performing other tasks.

Turn Off Any Unused Background Connection

If you’re planning to maximize your battery life after charge, you are required to turn off any unused background connection such as a Bluetooth connection, a hotspot, or an internet connection. There’s no need to leave your internet connection features on unless you just happen to be expecting an important message.

Although it’s not recommended that you turn off the location features on your phone for easy tracking when lost or stolen, you can consider turning it off when in a secured location such as your home.

Activate Dark Mode

Over the years, the dark mode has become increasingly popular amongst smartphone and computer users. Dark mode automatically uses low phone brightness, and we’ve ascertained that an iPhone with an increased brightness consumes more battery.

This means dark mode can help you maintain your battery life, and a cool feature to try out on your phone. You can activate this feature by accessing your phone settings, then navigating to the “display and brightness” option. The next step is to look out for the appearance option to activate the dark mode feature.

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Put Your Phone In Prone Position

iPhones are smartly designed in such a way that you can prevent your screen from lighting up whenever you receive a new notification on your phone, this can be achieved by putting your phone in a prone position. You can do this by making your phone lie face down rather than it lying on its back.

This will not disable or pause notifications from coming into your phone, but will only refuse to light up your screen whenever you receive a new notification. The downside of using these battery-saver tips is that you may be considered weird among friends or work colleagues.

Avoid Overcharging

Some iPhone users tend to make the mistake of overcharging their device while on the quest of having a reliable battery while it’s in use, little do they know that refusing to unplug your device will only have a drastic effect on your phone battery life.

If you are planning to have a more durable battery life, you are required to unplug your phone as soon as it reaches the 100% battery charge level as continuous charging will only reduce your battery life.

Avoid Having A Dead Battery Before Charging

This is yet a common mistake made by iPhone users, this is because most people are often patient enough to plug their phone into a power outlet only after they’ve exhausted their current battery life.

If you’ve been doing this in the past, do note that you’ve slowly been killing your battery life and it won’t be long before the need to replace your phone battery will arise. I had a friend whose phone refused to turn back on after consistently allowing his battery to drain before charging.

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You can avoid having a dead battery before plugging into a power outlet by using your phone’s smart features to detect whenever you’re running low on power and further limit your activities on your phone. For example, you can start limiting tasks performed on your device once your phone reaches 30% and stop doing anything on it when it crosses the 10% margin.

Avoid Using Third-Party Chargers

People tend to try out other charger options when they are stranded or given a case where the person had forgotten his charger at home. Although it may be okay to use a different charger on your device that moment when you need it, the constant use of third-party chargers can cause an advert effect on your battery life.

It is recommended that you only use chargers supported or built by Apple as they’ll help your phone charge perfectly, this is because it’s only Apple-supported chargers that are designed to protect your battery life from fast drainage after charging.

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