best good morning prayer message for her him

Best Daily Good Morning Prayer Messages And Quotes

Prayer has always been the link to connect to God. As a believer, It is very important to commit the day to the Lord before going about the designs of the day. For that, you will need to take a cue from the best Good Morning Prayer Messages.

This is not just yourself. A good morning prayer could mean much for your family, friends, relatives, friends, wife, husband, children, him or her. Whoever you hold in high esteem, you will want to ensure they have the best of the day. As a Christian, you can have the prayer on their behalf or send the Daily Short Good Morning Prayer Messages to them via WhatsApp, SMS, facebook, or any other social messaging apps.

You are not only showing them you care enough to check on them everyday but also wishing them well. As a matter of fact, this good morning message is basically for everyone. Everyone including Muslims are welcome to use it. The muslims can always interchange God and Allah since it means the same. Remember, it is one God but diverse ways to reach out to him.


☨ May the Good Lord release his fire on you today and make you a flaming fire for enemies and whoever that wishes you evil. Good morning.

☨ As you continue to abide under the shadow of the Almighty God, may you dwell in his safety. May He keep you and all that concern you. You are blessed. Good morning.

☨ May you receive the favour of God for outstanding blessings today and always. May the Lord provoke only positive changes in your life. Good morning

☨ As you go out today, the Lord will make you completely hunt-free both to men and beasts. May you witness the unprecedented move of the Spirit with lots of miracles. Good morning.

☨ Morning sunshine, I have this good news for you which I believe you have been expecting. Things will work out in your favour. Take charge.

☨ May today be the day that has already appointed for your desired blessing to be appointed to you. Your day will not pass you unannounced. Good morning.

☨ May men and women go out of their way to help you today. God will manifest every good word that have been spoken concerning you and your family. Morning.

☨ May doors of provision be opened unto you and your family. May all your needs be satisfied. Trust me, the best is reserve for you and may you have the grace to wait upon him. Good morning.

☨ The Lord who disappoints the devices of the crafty shall keep you safe. Every mark of fruitlessness in your life will be destroyed. Good morning friend.

☨ May the peace of God radiate you and your family this year. God will replace with his light every shade of darkness in your life and circumstance. Good morning.

☨ May the purpose of God’s anointing on your life be fulfilled. God will give you the grace to maximize every door you open today in Jesus Name. Amen.

☨ May the Lord give you a super breakthrough that will terminate lack and poverty in your life. May your life experience great joy. Good morning.

☨ Your name will be singled out for favour. Good fortune will smile on you. You will never know a better yesterday. Your light will shine brighter and brighter. Amen. Good morning.

☨ Rejoice, because you have the Unchanging God as your ally, every unpleasant situation in your life will change for good in Jesus name. Good morning.

☨ As you go out everyday, every mission of the spirit of death against your life, family, and business shall be destroyed in Jesus name. Amen. Good morning.

☨ Father, I thank You for fulfilling every desire in your heart. May the Lord remove anything from you life that is displeasing to his name in Jesus’ name. Good morning.

☨ May the Lord comfort, strengthen and empower you so you can live in the victory He has planned for you. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. Morning

☨ May you and your family dwell in divine security and peace. No evil shall befall you neither shall harm come near your dwelling place. The Lord will be a fire roundabout you and keep evil far away from you, amen. Good morning to you.

☨ If joseph had not been sent to prison, he would not have met the chef butler whose divine assignment was to recommend him to Pharoah. Whatever, you are facing it is for God to be glorified in your life. Good morning.

☨ Surely goodness, mercy and divine favour shall follow you today and always. Good morning.

☨ May the Lord open doors of blessings for you and favour you in all your ways. May the work of your hands be blessed. Good morning.

☨ May the Lord bless and keep you today and always. You shall drip with fatness and your life shall overflow with blessings unto others. Good morning.Prayer messages


☩ Heavenly Father, We need Your word today more than ever before. You said the days would come, that You would send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, or a thirst of water, but of hearing Your word. Today, let us know Your ways, o Lord, teach us Your paths. Lead us in Your truth and teach us, for You are the God of our salvation. In Your strong hands, we place this day, asking and depending on the Holy Spirit to light and guide our way. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

☩ Father Lord, we thank you for a new dawn. today we pray for wisdom. We pray for the wisdom to make the right decisions in life. Father we need Your guidance.
We need Your peace, Your power, and Your strength. Father show us what You would have us to do in every given situation. Father we acknowledge the fact that we need Your help. Help us now. Heal us now. Deliver us now. Make a way for us now.
Father we know that You will never let the righteous be forsaken. We know that You watch over Your Word to perform it and we know that You are an ever present help in our times of need. Father we ask that You continue to lead, guide, and to direct us in this journey called life in Jesus name. Amen.

☩ Dear God, You said that You would work everything together in our lives for our good and Your glory. Help us Father.
Father we bind up the works and intents of the enemy and we cast down every high thing that the enemy is planning and plotting against our lives right now. Father we plead the blood of Jesus over our lives, our families, our churches, our homes, our schools, our jobs, our finances, and everything else that You have so graciously given us. Father remove anyone or anything that is coming against us right now. Show that You are God in our lives and over our lives in Jesus name. amen.

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☩ Father God, thank You for Your hand of blessing in our life. We choose to serve You with our whole heart and do everything to the best of our ability so that We might please You. Let Your light shine through us. Thank You for Your faithfulness to us in Jesus’ name.
Father in heaven, we humbly come to You today giving You all that we are. Direct our steps by the light of Your Word. Fill us with Your love and peace as You show us the plan you have for our life. Let Your light shine through us so that others may see the light in You! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

☩ Heavenly Father, thank You for equipping us. Thank You for empowering us. Help us stay focused on Your Word and Your plan for us today. Help us understand Your anointing so that we can do all you’ve called me to do. We bless upon You today and always. Thank You for Your faithfulness today and always. We thank you because as we go out today, you will make ways there is no way, and we will bless You always in Jesus name. Amen.

☩ Heavenly Father, thank You for Your hand of blessing in our life. We submit ourselves to You. Work through us! Show us the ways to be a blessing to others so that the earth will be filled with Your glory.
Father in Heaven, We receive Your truth today. We receive Your promises today. I ask that You ignite our heart with Your holy fire so that we can pursue Your perfect plan for our life. Make our thoughts, words and actions reflect on You according to Your will. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

☩ My Father in Heaven, we thank You for Your promise of grace our my life. Thank You for unmerited favor and empowering us through Your Word. We receive Your grace right now and invite Your love to flow through us today. Father, we come to You today choosing to believe Your promises. We lift up our eyes to You. Fill us with Your faith and patience as we press toward Your promises and let Your light shine through us in Jesus’ name! Amen.

☩ God, we know that You have a plan and purpose for us. Show us your ways and teach us to walk righteously before You. Shine Your light in our heart and give us strength to pursue the path you have in store for us. We desire to be in right standing God, help us see your purpose for our life and focus on fulfilling that purpose. Bless our steps, God! Let your light shine through us In Jesus’ name – Amen.Good morning messages


☩ Heavenly Father, today I humbly open my heart to You. Use me for Your glory and have Your way in my life. I choose to believe in You. Let Your light shine through me so that others may see Your glory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

☩ Dear God, today I open my heart and mind to receive all that You have for me. I trust that You are with me, directing my every step. Thank you for lighting my path in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ Father God, thank You for making me new! Thank You for ordering and directing my steps. I trust that You are at work in my life transforming me into Your image. Keep me close to You as I put You first in everything I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ Everlasting Father, thank You for loving me today and for always being with me. Help me to understand Your love more so that I may know You better. Let Your love flow through me so that others may see Your goodness and come to know You as their Father also in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ Father, today I humbly come before You. I surrender my heart, my mind, my will and my emotions to You. I ask that You pour out Your abundant grace on me today and equip me for every good work in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ Father, thank You for the promise of blessing in my life. I open my heart to You and ask that You cleanse me of anything that isn’t pleasing to You. Search me and show me if there is any unforgiveness in my heart so that I can release it and walk in Your blessing for me today in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ Father, thank You for the promise of blessing in my life. I open my heart to You and ask that You cleanse me of anything that isn’t pleasing to You. Search me and show me if there is any unforgiveness in my heart so that I can release it and walk in Your blessing for me today in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ Lord, thank You for Your goodness in my life. I trust that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. I trust that Your plans are to prosper me and give me a future and a hope. I set my mind and heart on You this day and expect to see Your goodness in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ Heavenly Father, today I set my focus on You. I choose to forget the past by forgiving others so that I can look straight ahead to Your promises. I ask that You direct my heart on the path of life that You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ Lord, thank You for Your goodness in my life. I trust that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. I trust that Your plans are to prosper me and give me a future and a hope. I set my mind and heart on You this day and expect to see Your goodness in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ Father in heaven, I come to You trusting that You are my deliverer. No matter what is going on around me, today I choose to bless and praise Your name. I choose to connect to You, knowing that You are the source of my strength, hope and peace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

☩ Father, today I choose to abide in You. I don’t want to live life on my own, so I choose to trust in You. Show me Your ways. Teach me Your love. Keep me close to You always in Jesus name. Amen.

☩ Father God, thank You for the favor and blessing You have poured out upon my life. I choose to look with my eyes of faith past my circumstances to the good future You have prearranged for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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☩ Father, thank You for working in my life. I thank You that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I declare that today is a new day, and You are going to do something special in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ Heavenly Father, today I choose to have a positive, faith-filled attitude. I choose to bless You and trust You even when things don’t make sense in my natural mind. I know You have a good plan for me and trust that You are working all things out for my good. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

☩ Father in heaven, today I choose to increase my capacity to receive from You. I let go of limited thinking and old mindsets and open myself to everything You have in store for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

☩ Father God, today I commit to live a life of integrity. I choose a life of excellence and ask for Your hand of favor. Show me any area that is not pleasing to You so that I can continue to grow and increase in You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

☩ Dear Father, I humbly come before You today and ask that You search the deep places of my heart. Show me if there is any area where I need to line up my heart and actions. Help me to be authentic in You today. In Jesus Name. Amen.

☩ Father,Thank you for being a God who delivers and provides. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. I praise you because your promises are still true. Thank you for empowering me to believe and to act. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

☩ Heavenly Father, today I choose to stand strong in You. I set my focus on Your promises and choose to run my race with conviction. I let go of the past by faith today and press forward into the destiny You have in store for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

☩ Father God, thank You for giving me influence with the people in my life. Thank You for equipping me to help others rise higher. Reveal to me the potential You have deposited in the people around me and show me ways to help them so we can win at life together. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

☩ Father, I throw all my anxieties, all my frustrations, and all my fears on you. I rest in your perfect will and ways. I humbly ask that your peace guard my heart and mind this day, to the glory of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

☩ Father God, thank You for Your sweet and precious promises. I choose to open the eyes of my heart so that I can see and receive the good things You have for me. Help me to be a blessing to others and keep my mind stayed on You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

☩ Father,Thank you for being a God who delivers and provides. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. I praise you because your promises are still true. Thank you for empowering me to believe and to act. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

☩ Father in heaven, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. Today I choose to put my trust and hope in You knowing that You are working behind the scenes to bring victory to every area of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen!

☩ Heavenly Father, today I choose to magnify and exalt You. You are faithful and good. Help me to keep my heart and mind focused on You all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ Heavenly Father, today I choose to magnify and exalt You. You are faithful and good. Help me to keep my heart and mind focused on You all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ God, thank You for promising to sweep away the ashes of my past and give me something beautiful in their place. I choose to give them up to You and receive Your healing and restoration in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

☩ Father, I praise you for calling me and placing me in my place of grace. Thank you for your Word which helps me walk wisely and with discernment as I follow you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.Good morning messages


† The Almighty God shall bless you and protect your going out and coming in. As you step out today, may He protect you till you return in safety. A blessed morning to you.

† May you be connected to the God of all things and may He provide you with all you will ever need in life. Amen. Good morning.

† May the Lord hear all your prayers and come to the rescue today. Be blessed and Good morning to you!

† I pray that God’s grace be supplied unto you in abundance to help you walk with Him till eternity. I pray that you shall not fall or fail by the way in the name of Jesus. Amen. Morning Friend.

† I pray that the Lord shall ride you on His wings of safety and keep His hands of protection on you always. Amen. Morning dear.

† As you place your total trust in God to guide and direct you in all your doings may you experience a net-breaking success, in Jesus name, Amen. Good morning.

† May doors of unprecedented favour open for you. Everywhere you turn, may you be supernaturally helped and may your joy be full always. Good morning.

† You will not lack anything good today. Everything you need to make your life comfortable will be supplied to you. You will not suffer, you will not lack. It shall be well with you.

† I bless you with the blessings of the Lord this morning, and I pray that you shall continue to grow in the Lord from glory to glory and grace to grace. Good morning, friend.

† I wish you a favoured day. Where men have been rejected may you be received with honour. May divine favour be your portion as you out today. Good morning.

† May you receive the favour of God for outstanding blessings today and always. May your days become brighter. Good morning.

† Make the way clear before you and we ask that you would open the right doors and close the ones that aren’t meant for you to walk through in Jesus name. Good morning dear.

† May the Lord grant you tenacious winsome courage as you go through this day. When tempted to give up, he will help you to keep going. May he grant you a cheerful spirit when things don’t go you way and courage to do whatever needs to be done. Morning.Good morning prayer messages for him


✞ May your day be filled with untold joy, happiness and merriment like the dew on the morning leaves. Good morning to you my king!

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✞ Today is the day that have been set apart by God for your uplightment and happiness. Enjoy your day and have a good morning my love!

✞ The Lord God will rise up to bless you beyond your wildest dreams. You will end today in testimony and his name will forever be glorified. Good morning, my dear.

✞ Good morning my king, my special prayer for you is that your breakthroughs and miracles will come earlier and better than you expected in Jesus name.

✞ May God turn your lack into surplus. May he give you plenty so you will never have to borrow again. Good morning my love.

✞ Dear husband/boyfriend, Unprecedented breakthrough, one that will move you from nobody to prominence is released to you. Receive it now in Jesus name.

✞ Gently open your eyes and see the blessing specially made for you. Get out of bed and walk into the hope embedded in this day for you. Good morning (husband’s or boyfriend’s name.

✞ May every word you speak today be seasoned with Grace. May everyone you touch today be blessed. As the son of the most high, you are going out to possess your possession. Good morning baby.

✞ My one and only, May you sing his praises today and beyond and live in Jesus’ name. Go into today with the knowledge that you can enjoy ever second of it. Have a nice day.

✞ May all your past disappointments, difficulties and losses become a stepping stone to reach the great heights the Lord has provided for you. May you never lack any good things in your life. Morning dear.


✙ As you are on your feet this morning, May God order your footsteps and to your place of glory in his name. Amen. May your going out and coming in be blessed, my love!

✙ Have a Happy and Enjoyable day! Keep a smile on your face and don’t let anyone turn your smile upside down. Sending out prayers of safety and great health. Best of the day my queen.

✙ Every power or human being that resists your advancement will be overcome today. Go in God’s strength today and for always, my love. Good morning!

✙ Whatever good thing you have lost will start to find their ways back to you. And everything you hate and that is not of God in your life shall perish. Have a wonderful day love.

✙ You shall be like the tree planted by the riverside that brings forth fruits at the expected time. You will be fruitful in whatever you do or lay your hands on in Jesus name. Morning love.

✙ Whatever, be it a person, animal or object that have been hindering your long-awaited blessings from getting to you shall be removed today In Jesus Name. Possess your possessions my babe.

✙ As you set out today, may God give you the courage and grace to overcome all challenges that will come your way. May the strength of the Lord be with you dear. Happy new morning to you.

✙ As long as the Lord liveth, sorrow, shame and untimely death will never be your portion. Whatever evils that have been planned for your life will not come to fruition. Morning my love.

✙ God is the creation of this earth and heaven, may all that he created work to favour you from today and forever. Sorrow and calamity will never know you place. God and shine in the Lord.

✙ The evils of the day will never smite you. May God continues to keep you safe and the evil plans of the wicked people escape you.


“Something special awaits you each day. All you need is to recognize it and make the most of it. Have a positive attitude throughout the day and then that today is going to be the best day of your life.”

❈ Unknown

“When the time of your favour comes, God devides the enemy’s camp in your favour. Those who who have teamed up against you will end up giving up their support. The enemy loses power over.”

❈ Pastor E.A. Adeboye

“Always believe that something wonderful is going to happen. Even with all the ups and downs, never take a day for granted. Smile, cherish and remember to take charge with faith.”

❈ Anonymous

“I ask God to make you smile, make you happy, guide you safely through every mile, give you sound health, grant you wealth, and most of all, give you care and love. Have a blessed day.”

❈ Unknown

“My prayer for you today is filled with a thankful heart for who you are, with a request that blessings will be yours in abundance, and with a desire that God will continue to touch your life in wonderful ways. Good morning.”

❈ Roy Lessin

“As the sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God open the heaven to shower upon you with lots of happiness and love to make your day a meaniful and lovely one. Have a nice day.”

❈ Anonymous

“Knowing what God has promised is information, but knowing what to do to actualise it is revelation. From henceforth, you will constantly think supernatural thoughts and take supernatural steps.”

❈ David O. Oyedepo.

“Sometimes what makes us insecure and vulnerable becomes the fuel we need to be overachievers. The antidote for a snakebite is made from the poison, and the thing that made you go backward is the same force that will push you forward.”

❈ Bishop T.D. Jakes

“You are already empowered by Almighty God Himself to prosper and succeed. It means you’re empowered by the Holy Spirit to be exceedingly happy with life and joy in spite of any outside circumstances.”

❈ Kenneth Copeland

“We must depend on His Word, pray the promises of God, and then watch what happens. The Word spoken through your lips releases angels.”

❈ Benny Hinn

“As a child of God, you must realize that you are on the winning side of prophecy; until you win it is not over!”

❈ Chris Oyakhilome

“When Almighty God is with you, good things will happen in you, around you and through you. Expect this to happen to you today!”

❈ Pastor Joseph Prince

“When you go through a disappointment, when you go through a loss, don’t stop on that page. Keep moving forward. There’s another chapter in front of you, but you have to be willing to walk into it.”

❈ Joel Osteen

“Don’t forget that God is a prayer away. No, there is no quick fix for every obstacle you will face in life, but if you are a Believer, you have the very thing that will bring peace in times of trouble. Pray to God and He will answer. He promised to never leave or abandon you.”

❈ Pastor Creflo Dollar

“Every problem comes along with it’s solution; the bigger the problem, the bigger the testimony. Cheer up!”

❈ Chris Oyakhilome

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