Glo gbam tariff plan

Glo gbam tariff plan: Charges, How to migrate + Benefits

Everyone deserves a tariff package that offers some great benefits like making calls for as low as 11k to some special GLO lines, 5mb daily for internet browsing and 18k/sec to all networks. Still as graceful as Glo Gbam Xtra and Gbam plus and one will find comfort in the fact that one is not left with one choice.

This plan remains one of the exciting prepaid plans on the Globacom network.

Glo gbam tariff plan is a tariff plan that allows you to enjoy unprecedented rates when you call any network in Nigeria plus other exciting benefits. Glo gbam is also known as Glo Gbam Hi 5ive.

In this short and precise article, we will be providing you with benefits of Glo gbam for customers, charge rates and how to migrate to Glo gbam prepaid plan.

Benefits of Glo Gbam tariff plan

  • Enjoy free data which makes it possible for you to check your mails, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter e.t.c.
  • Have your call rate for as low as 11 kobos per second when you call 5 registered Glo numbers.
  • 18k/sec to all networks in Nigeria on Glo gbam tariff plan.
  • Free migration to the plan or to any other tariff plan every 30 days.
  • You will also be able to subscribe to other offers including data plans on the Glo network.
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Charges on Glo gbam tariff plan

Like we have done on popular posts like Glo Infinito tariff plan, Glo Jollific8, Glo yakata, etc. It is important to do the same for Glo Gbam tariff plan as it remains one of the most used tariff plans in Nigeria.

As said earlier, with Glo gbam, enjoy the best of tariff plans that offer every customer who has already migrated to the plan. Calls to 5 family and friends which must be glo numbers will be charged 11k per second. Onnet and off-net calls will be charged 18k. To enjoy this wonderful package, N5 daily rental fees will be deducted from your Glo balance.

If an account is below N5, daily access fee will not be deducted and you will miss out on the daily giveaway of 5mb data.

SMS rate on Glo gbam Hi 5ive is N4 to any network while international SMS is charged N35.

Analysis of call rates on Glo gbam

To put it clearly, if you are calling your 5 registered F & F on Glo gbam hi 5ive, you will be charged 0.11k which gives us 6.6 on every 60 seconds calls.

Calls to any network in Nigeria is 0.18k per second, the total amount spent on one minute call is 10.8. With a balance of just N102.2, you can make 9 minutes calls to any network while calls to friends and families (F & F) could get you even more minutes after daily access fee has been deducted.

This plan remains one of the best tariff plans on Glo gbam bundle but not as good as Glo gbam plus 11/k tariff plan. What makes Glo gbam better over Glo gbam plus (11/k tariff) plan is you will be getting free 5mb data to browse on the internet.

Related:  Glo yakata ultra tariff plan: Charges, Migration code + Benefits

How to migrate to Glo gbam prepaid plan

  • Migrating only takes a few seconds and any prepaid customers can move to this plan.
  • Dial *100*5*1# to migrate to Glo gbam tariff plan.
  • Migrating to the plan comes with no fee unless you have already used your lifeline which is available every 30 days.

How to leave or migrate out of Glo gbam tariff plan

To migrate out of Glo gbam, simply find the migration code of your choice from the options available on Glo. There is something for everyone, it does not matter if you are a data freak or long caller, all you need is to find what really works for you.

Glo jollific8, Glo infinito, Glo Yakata, Glo gbam plus 11k Prepaid Plan, and Glo xtra are parts of the available tariff plans on the Glo network.

Read Also

  1. Glo super value pack and activation code.
  2. Glo daily data splash plans and how to activate.
  3. Glo amebo and subscription code.
  4. Glo oga sim and how to migrate.
  5. Glo yakata ultra, benefits and how to migrate.
  6. Glo gbam xtra, charges and how to subscribe.
  7. Glo infinito prepaid plan and subscription code.
  8. Glo jollific8 tariff plan and how to activate.
  9. Glo gbam plus (11k per second) and migration code.
  10. Glo yakata tariff plan, benefits and migration code.

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